Delta 8 THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) is a potent cannabinoid (CBD) native to the cannabis flower. Though the amount of Delta 8 THC is quite less than Delta 9 THC, it is a well-known cannabinoid that delivers a strong psychoactive feel after consumption. People who consume Delta 8 THC report a clear-headedness, relaxation, and body sensation, with a reduced psychotropic effect. In this post, we will discuss some benefits you probably have on taking this herb but don’t know about. So, let’s go through them.
One well-known use of delta 8 THC is that it is an anti emetic (nausea reducer). In fact, there are already a lot of studies on its use as a nausea reducer. This property makes this component quite popular among people who are going through cancer treatment and often experience nausea. It is proven well-suited for kids as well. In an experiment, researchers gave delta 8 THC to children up to 12 years who were undergoing treatment for cancer. In response, children who were given this component experienced improvements in nausea levels.
Another great use of delta 8 THC is that it has also been proven to increase appetite. A study conducted on mice found that minimal doses of this component improved food consumption. Though this herb works like delta 9 THC when it comes to increasing appetite, the experiment identified that delta 8 THC was more efficient as an appetite stimulant.
In addition to treating nausea and appetite, delta 8 THC is an effective neuroprotectant. That means this component is an excellent advancement for people who have Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Before claiming this benefit, a study was conducted on mice. During the experiment, they were given delta 8 THC for a few days. As a result, the component improved their acetylcholine levels in the brain, and this neurotransmitter plays a critical role in memory and learning. Also, as lower levels of acetylcholine are linked to Alzheimer’s disease, it is believed that delta 8 THC can prevent or maybe reverse this health condition.
One other interesting use of delta 8 THC is that it can help in improving cancer. Researchers claimed this benefit after experimenting on mice infected with lung cancer. In the study, infected mice were treated with this compound for 20 days. Consequently, the reduced size of the tumor was noticed. The team also found increased survival time when mice with lung cancer were given delta 8 THC.
These are some of the exciting and unusual benefits of consuming delta 8 THC. If you’re looking to buy Delta 8 THC to experience physical relaxation, consider visiting Here you will find a wide selection of high-quality Delta 8 THC products. Simply browse the collection, place orders for your desired items, and get them delivered to your place without any hassle. Also, to avoid any trouble, it is suggested to see a doctor before purchasing or consuming any Delta 8 THC product. Discuss your complete medical history and let the physician decide which product and dosage amount you should take to experience desired results.