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Hemp: Things You Need to Know About This Plant

August 16, 2020
August 16, 2020
3 min read
  1. Hemp: Things You Need to Know About This Plant

Do you know where Hemp originates from? Do you want to expand your knowledge about its history? Did you know that Hemp also has endless uses? In this post, we have put together some surprising facts and information about Hemp that might leave you stunned. So let's take a quick look.

What is Hemp?

Grown in the northern hemisphere, Hemp is a plant that takes around 3 to 4 months to mature. You can use hemp seeds to produce several food products, such as hemp oil, hemp cheese substitutes, hemp milk, and hemp-based protein powder. Also called cannabis, Hemp is often confused with marijuana. Though both Hemp and marijuana belong to the same cannabis species, the two plants are entirely different in terms of use, cultivation methods, and chemical makeup.

History and Origin of Hemp

If we look into historical records, it is said that Hemp is found in Asia, more precisely, in the Himalayas. However, it is not clear which people or tribes were the first to use this compound. But it is believed that Hemp is used in the Taiwan area for thousands of years.

Initially, Hemp or cannabis was used for pottery decoration or as a resource of food. As per known records, Hemp was first used in China for its medicinal features sometime between 2838 to 2698 B.C. The people out there were primarily using Hemp to lower pain and use it to make oils and teas. They used to wrap the fresh leaves of the plant around wounds for faster healing.

Potential Health Benefits of Having Hemp

Hemp is full of nutritious compounds. Several studies suggest that Hemp offers a plethora of positive health benefits. Some of the popular ones are as follows:

  • Improves Heart Health

Medical experts have proven that omega-3 fatty acids improve heart health and minimize the risk of issues, including heart disease and arrhythmias. Hemp seeds or powder contain high levels of omega-3 as well as omega-6 fatty acids. They also include arginine - an amino acid that turns into nitric oxide, which plays a significant role in vein and artery dilation and helps keep blood vessel walls elastic and smooth. Eating a healthy diet, reducing blood pressure, and participating in different forms of exercise can lower the risk of heart failure.

  • May Aid Digestion

Fiber is a critical part of your diet and is associated with better digestive health. Hemp powder or seeds are a great source of both insoluble and soluble fiber, including 80% and 20%, and these fibers benefit the digestive system to a great extent.

  • Improves Skin Conditions

According to studies, fatty acids can affect the immune response of an individual's body. It is also said that the immune system relies on the balance of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Hemp is a good source of many fatty acids, along with polyunsaturated fatty acids. For instance, omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids have a ratio of 1:3. Also, it has proven that giving hemp oil to people with eczema can increase critical fatty acids' blood levels. Hemp seed oil can also relieve dry skin, lower the need for skin medication, and improve itchiness.


These are a few essential details about hemp/cannabis that you must know if you are consuming or planning to intake this herb. For effective results, make sure you are taking high-quality hemp products. Also, do not forget to consult a doctor to seek professional advice on consuming Hemp.

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