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How Hard Is Kratom On The Liver?

January 1, 1970
January 1, 1970
How Hard Is Kratom On The Liver?
10 min read
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As time goes on, the strain we put on our liver can lead to real complications and severe health concerns. Now, if you're using kratom, it's only natural to wonder, "How hard is kratom on the liver?"

You would want to know if using kratom regularly will put a huge strain on this vital organ or maybe it's just like taking coffee, its botanical cousin. You will want to learn how long it stays in your system. While more research is needed about kratom liver damage to answer this, it pays to know the information that's already available so you will be better equipped to decide whether you should use kratom or not.

But first, we have to know what kratom is and how the liver works to understand the effect of kratom on the body.


Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa) is an herb popularly used as a pain reliever and mood enhancer. The leaf is usually used as an ingredient in many dietary supplements or on its own. Taking it in lower doses is like taking coffee to boost energy levels, improve focus, and facilitate better productivity and work output. Kratom is said to be considered a safer option for opioid-based pain medication. It was traditionally used in some parts of Southeast Asia to treat pain, fatigue, and diarrhea.

So, where did kratom come from? Its plant belongs to the same family as the coffee plant. Just like coffee, its active compound is an alkaloid. It has been used in native areas of Thailand, Malaysia, Myanmar, and Indonesia. Up until recent times, it's not uncommon to see the general population chewing its leaves. Kratom herbal tea soon gained notoriety among Western users. Thailand and Malaysia proceeded to ban kratom to protect the tourism industry and save the national image of the countries. It was only in 2018 that kratom was legalized again in Thailand, although it's approved for medicinal use only.

Large amounts of kratom are grown, sold, and consumed in Indonesia, the primary source country of the plant. Almost all of the kratom sold in the western world comes from Indonesia. Are you looking for the most convenient way to consume kratom? Apotheca Kratom Capsules may be just what you need - they are easy to take, and you can carry them anywhere.


The liver has a crucial job in the body - it filters toxins out of the bloodstream and processes the nutrients. The "purified" nutrients get passed back into our bloodstream. But it's not just toxins that the liver filters out. It also has a crucial role in the body's fundamental metabolic processes. In metabolizing fat, the liver cells break down fats to produce energy. It does the same in metabolizing carbohydrates and proteins, which are essential macronutrients that contribute to a healthy diet.

So obviously, if the liver begins to have trouble performing its detoxifying and metabolizing job, it can prove catastrophic for the rest of the body. This is where liver damage comes in. There are many possible causes of liver disease and damage, most of them genetic or environmental. But diet and substance abuse can become significant factors in liver deterioration. Alcohol is the most notorious substance on the subject of liver damage. But other common substances can also contribute to liver damage when taken in excess or under the wrong conditions.

These include the following:

  • OTC pain relievers, such as acetaminophen (Tylenol, etc.)
  • Prescription drugs, including many antibiotics, antifungals, steroids, and arthritis medications
  • Common herbal supplements like kava and aloe vera

Moderation, as with most things in life, is key. Even doctors will agree that consuming alcohol can be safe when taken responsibly and in moderation. Problems emerge when moderation turns to excess.


A group of around 12 alkaloids makes up the active ingredients of kratom. Each of these alkaloids has to be metabolized by the liver before they can be eliminated from the body, mainly through the kidneys.

This also applies to just about any medication or supplement. What makes it different in the case of kratom is the volume of alkaloids it provides. This puts extra strain on the liver in its efforts to process all of them effectively.

If you have a healthy liver, you won't probably have any trouble metabolizing kratom and don't have to worry about liver injuries. But if you have a genetic defect, preexisting liver damage, or sensitivities to kratom, the risk of experiencing a kratom-induced liver injury is high. This also applies if you are taking liver-toxic medications or substances.

So far, the most abundant alkaloid in kratom is mitragynine. This compound needs the CYP2D6 liver enzyme for metabolism. It requires the help of CYP3A4 and CYP2C9 enzymes as well. Therefore, if you have any problems with this pathway or are taking medications involving these enzymes, you have a higher risk of liver damage or failure.


The typical first signs of drug-induced liver disease or damage include abdominal pain, headaches, lasting indigestion, bloating, dizziness, and nausea. When kratom liver failure occurs or if you have severe liver damage, you may develop yellowing of the skin (jaundice), dark-colored urine, and light-colored stool.

If you experience these symptoms, you should get a medical checkup right away to check for signs of liver damage. You will be subjected to tests that check for markers such as ALT (alanine aminotransferase), AST (aspartate aminotransferase), and increased bilirubin levels.


So, how does kratom interact with the liver, and how hard is it on the organ? Like everything you put in your body, kratom will interact with your liver. In terms of its effect on the liver, there isn't enough research at present to give a 100% certain answer, but we can get a good idea from the existing findings.

A meta-analysis published in 2020 examined 26 case reports and abstracts, as well as cases reported from the Drug-Induced Liver Injury Network, FDA databases, and internet user forums. The verdict is that while there IS a risk of kratom liver toxicity, most users will experience no signs of liver damage.

Other findings also suggest that these symptoms typically develop within a period of 7-21 days in a person taking kratom. Note that kratom liver toxicity occurs when you take too much kratom. Another study that looked into kratom's adverse effects went through various cases of patients with severe liver damage symptoms. These cases were classified as Drug-Induced Liver Injuries.

Of the 404 patients, eight had any history of recent kratom use. Out of those eight, the researchers isolated 7 to be caused by kratom exposure. Their consumption over the 22 days before the symptoms started showing up was used as a determining factor in this case.

There were jaundice-like symptoms with itching and abdominal pain among the patients. Six out of seven had to be hospitalized for more medical treatment, but all seven patients recovered.

Researchers established that although there is a link between liver injury and kratom in rare cases, it's not clear how much of that is caused by the contaminants found in the plant matter that are not part of the plant.


You can consume kratom leaves in tablets, powders, and tinctures. The key to safe usage is not buying or using kratom concentrates from the black market. These suspicious kratom powders are often adulterated with other substances that can potentially cause liver dysfunction.

When using kratom after a long time or for the first time, it's best to take a low dose and then gradually increase it over the next few days. The recommended dosage range is between 1 and 12 grams of dried powder taken orally. Only oral consumption of kratom is considered safe.

Experiment with your dosage using only a high-quality kratom powder, such as Apotheca Kratom Powder. If you prefer it in liquid or any other form, then Apotheca Kratom Extracts/Concentrates are a great alternative.

Start with taking 1 gram, then 2, and then 3. Increase until you become familiar with how it affects your body individually. Don't mix kratom with alcohol or other prescription medications. Also, avoid using kratom daily.

Get clearance from your doctor first before using kratom if you have any underlying health conditions or are prescribed any medications or supplements. Visit a doctor right away if you experience headaches, nausea, fatigue, or dizziness that lasts more than 6 hours.

If you experience moderate to severe abdominal pain and notice yellowing of your skin or eyes, or if you have dark urine/pain upon urination, go to your doctor immediately. Always consume substances in moderation. Avoid overconsumption whether you are drinking kratom tea for energy or using it as an herbal supplement for whatever purpose.


What organs are affected by kratom?

Prolonged kratom use in high doses is said to bring significant damage to the liver and kidneys. When you reach this stage, you will experience more severe symptoms, such as very dark urine and yellowing of the skin. Acute liver injury caused by kratom is said to be possible.

If the liver becomes compromised, the task of filtering toxins from the body gets passed to the kidneys. This can cause the kidneys to become overworked. Among people with liver damage, this can result in kidney failure.

Does your liver process kratom?

Yes, just like other stuff that you eat or take in your body. The liver metabolizes the alkaloids that make up kratom before they can be eliminated from the body, mainly through the kidneys. It's the same process for just about any medication or supplement.

What are the positive effects of kratom?

When taken in small doses, the kratom effects tend to act like a mild stimulant. Many users report experiencing sudden bursts of energy, focus, and mental clarity. They also get a sense of heightened sociability after taking kratom. The energy boost can be likened to that of a caffeine high. Taking it in higher doses can lead to a more sedative effect.

Does kratom help with mood?

Currently, there's limited research on kratom's effects on mood, but a 2017 review confirmed that kratom could enhance mood and relieve anxiety in some users. Technically, kratom isn't an opioid, but they share similar effects with morphine or codeine. The active ingredient in kratom, mitragynine, binds to opioid receptors in the brain, which leads to pain relief. This might explain the anti-anxiety and antidepressant effects reported by some kratom users.

The researchers also highlighted the sedative effects that kratom can have, although they have yet to determine whether side effects like sedation can interfere with its supposed benefits.

Is kratom an energy booster?

Kratom has different strains, and each strain carries different properties. Some strains may make you feel dull, while others can have caffeine-like effects. They can boost your energy and motivate you to do everyday tasks more easily. This is why some people substitute kratom tea for their morning coffee. Kratom improves certain metabolic processes, resulting in better circulation and an increase in oxygenated blood supply. This can lead to an energy burst.


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